What is written in the stars about your baby?

Wat staat er in de sterren geschreven over jouw baby? - Tiny Library

What is written in the stars about your baby?

Are you becoming increasingly curious about who is actually in your belly? Click on the horoscope of your due date below, would it be correct?

CAPRICORN 22.12 - 19.01

AQUARIUS 20.01 - 18.02

PISCES 19.02 - 20.03

RAM 21.03 - 19.04

TAURUS 20.04 - 20.05

GEMINI 21.05 - 20.06

CANCER 21.06 - 22.07

LEO 23.07 - 22.08

VIRGO 23.08 - 22.09

LIBRA 23.09 - 22.10

SCORPIO 23.10 - 21.11

SAGITTARIUS 22.11 - 21.12