Relieved in every phase with Tiny Library X Feelou

Being pregnant is a special time in which your body constantly surprises you - especially your breasts go on their own adventure. They grow, become more sensitive, and yes, sometimes painful. A good maternity bra can be a real lifesaver. But how do you know when it's time to switch from your trusted bra to a maternity or nursing bra? And how many of those bras do you actually need? Together with Tiny Library and Feelou we dive into these questions.
This is how your breasts change during and after your pregnancy
Fun fact: your breasts are the only organs that only really mature during your pregnancy. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, they increase in size, your milk duct system develops and blood supply improves. The result? A set of sensitive, sometimes even painful, breasts.
The solution? A maternity bra!
A maternity bra is not just a bra. It is your best friend during and after your pregnancy, specially designed to grow with you and your breasts. Made from soft, stretchy materials, it gives you the comfort and support exactly where and when you need it.
The moment of switching
Around the 12th or 13th week, many women notice that their old bras no longer fit. This is the time to get a maternity bra that grows with your breasts. A bra from Feelou is perfect for this: flexible during your pregnancy and ideal as a nursing bra after giving birth.
How many bras do you need?
A good starting point is two comfortable bras, so that you always have a clean one when the other is in the wash. Because let's be honest: comfort is key during your pregnancy. With the Feelou maternity and nursing bra you choose convenience, comfort and support, all in one. Perfect during your pregnancy, indispensable during the maternity period, and ideal in combination with a wireless pump.
Pregnancy brings a series of changes, where comfort and support are essential. Feelou's products are designed to grow with these needs, both during pregnancy and afterwards. In our collaboration with Feelou, we strive to relieve mothers during this special phase of their lives.