A sustainable future for our children according to Talita Kalloe

Een duurzame toekomst voor onze kinderen volgens Talita Kalloe - Tiny Library

What are the most important lessons you teach your children? And what does their future actually look like? Talita Kalloe, mother of Malía (3) and Ava (1) and founder of online platform Soul Stores , shares her inspiring view on sustainable motherhood with us.

How does it feel to you to be a mother in this world?

“Like something very beautiful. I never had any doubts about having children. Not from a sustainability perspective and not from a social point of view either. I do understand the critical points from that vision, but I do not see bringing children into the world as a burden, but as an addition. That is precisely why I think we should take our role as parents seriously. We educate our children so that they can make a positive impact on the issues that lie ahead. I see an important role for us there. Without putting pressure on our children or a great responsibility, but to give them standards and values ​​that intrinsically make them feel that the world is a place that you treat with respect.”

What are the 3 most important things you want to pass on to your children?

  • Treat all living things with love and respect. Plants, animals and your fellow man. For example, we teach our children that you should not pull on plants, but that you can stroke them. It sounds very dull, but by teaching them from an early age to deal with what is there with respect, I want to show them that we cannot just appropriate everything. That the world is a place of all of us with resources we are allowed to share.
  • Gratitude for what you have. Before eating we often say a kind of prayer. Not religiously, but along the lines of: thank you for the delicious food, for the origin of the ingredients and the love with which it was made. I notice that Malía also reminds us when we forget. It is very special to see that she also finds her own way in this. Ava now also says “taaaaank” (thank you) as standard when eating.
  • Acting from love and being able to see love. For example, I see hearts everywhere. Malía now also calls me when she sees a heart. It's about being present in a moment. About being kind to someone else, but also to yourself. I teach her that love is something you can feel in your heart and in your belly. And that it is the basis for how you treat each other.

  • What does the future hold for the next generation, your children?

    I find it difficult to say anything about this because I struggle with it myself. Because what does a good world look like? What is good'? I think of lots of greenery, that we are surrounded by nature and that not everything is concrete. That we are more connected to each other and nature. I also hope that we can treat each other with respect and love in the future. Generation Z is already intrinsically motivated to make more sustainable choices. I hope that sustainability will become the norm when you look at the way children are raised now. Although I fear that this is mainly in my own bubble, and that there is still a lot to be done on a large scale.

    What do you want people to know about sustainability?

    I see sustainability as a holistic concept. It can mean something different for each person. Feel the freedom and space to discover what it means to you. In this way, if you get to a point where you know what sustainability is for you, you can look for sustainable alternatives in that area. Then the rest of the elements in your life will grow along with it. For me, for example, it started with clothing, followed by cosmetics and food. For others, it may start somewhere else entirely. And one day we will reach the same point, and then - hopefully - sustainability will be the norm.

    Want to read more about Talita? Then also check out this blog.