Why is renting sustainable?

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Of course you want the best for your baby and that includes a healthy world. By renting your layette instead of buying it, you are working with us on a circular baby market. By applying the principles of the circular economy, we reduce our ecological footprint. That means saving CO2, raw materials and water. We explain exactly how this works below.

1. Renting a stroller saves 321 kg of CO2

A pram should of course not be missing in your layette. Very nice to buy new, but it costs a lot of CO2, water and raw materials to produce a pushchair. Therefore, opt for renting instead of buying. By renting a stroller you save 321 kg of CO2 [1]. This equates, for example, to a car journey from Amsterdam to Budapest [2]. You only own the pram during the period that you actually use it. After that, the stroller passes on to the next baby. In this way, different families can use the same stroller. Suppose a pram is used in this way by 4 families, then we save 962 kg of CO2

2. Reusing packaging material saves raw materials

We will send the stroller in the original packaging material. This allows us to reuse all packaging material to save raw materials. Raw materials, including paper, are running out and in most cases we can easily reuse packaging material so that we can extend its lifespan. That is why we ask you to keep the box in which you receive the pushchair (for example, under your bed or behind a cupboard). Once your baby outgrows the stroller, return the stroller in the same box. Also, the forms we include are always made from recycled paper.

3. Reusing products saves at least 90% water

When we get the pushchair back we will clean it thoroughly and repair or replace any damaged parts. This way we can guarantee that the product is safe and clean. In this way, the next family can use the pushchair again without having to produce a new pushchair. In addition to CO2, we also save at least 90% water with this.

Our goals

We believe that we can only move forward if we use raw materials more efficiently and reduce our ecological footprint. We are proud of our model, but we also see opportunities for development. That is why we have set the following goals for ourselves:

  • Saving 900,000 kg of product in 5 years and 15,750,000 kg of CO2eq.
  • Extending the lifespan of products so that we use raw materials more efficiently. For example, a pram is used very intensively and can therefore usually only be passed on once (for example to family or via marketplace). Because we thoroughly clean our strollers and repair broken parts, we can extend the life of a stroller by at least 1 more family. As soon as a product can no longer be repaired, the product is recycled.
  • A completely circular supply chain. We think it is important that everything we take from the earth also give back. Purely focusing on our rental concept is therefore not enough. For example, we also want to take a critical look at the delivery of our products and make this completely climate neutral.
Sustainable model

Are you in?

Ultimately, we think it is especially important that we create as much attention as possible for our circular concept. By sharing our story, we want to show others the benefits of renting and convince them that new is not always better. Only if we do this together can we ultimately make a difference. Do you have ideas about how we can make our model even more efficient and green? Please let us know by one message to send, because we are very curious.

[1] Ang, Y., & Yifan, L. (2012). Carbon Footprint Analysis for Baby Strollers. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 10(4), 16-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/10042857.2012.10685103
[2] Greentripper.org/calculator