Game changers

We're not the only ones who love the product-as-a-service model. That is why we collaborate with game changers in other sectors to exchange knowledge. This is necessary if we want to stimulate a more sustainable future. That is why we are happy to share these cool circular brands with you. Did you know that you can also rent mattresses or artificial flowers in addition to baby equipment?
Bedzzzy stands for sustainable sleeping. With their flexible sleeping subscriptions you can easily rent a mattress and bed. Because the mattress is offered as a subscription, Bedzzzy receives the mattress back after use, which means that they are able to fully recycle all their products. This way you are guaranteed a fully circular mattress. Nice extra: the products are produced by Royal Auping in Deventer, so you can be sure that your bed has been produced under fair conditions.
Bike flip
Children grow, don't cycle. Meet our friends from BikeFlip from Utrecht. BikeFlip fixes up unused children's bicycles and rents them out for a monthly fee. Did you know that the Dutch bicycle depots and sheds are currently packed with more than 4 million bicycles that are still of good quality?
When the bicycle has become too small, it can be exchanged for a larger one. They also take care of maintenance. No more hassle with sorting out and repairing the children's bicycle. In this way, fewer bicycles need to be produced, which saves 31.45 CO2 per bicycle.
It remains a wonderful feeling: a bunch of fresh flowers in the house. Unfortunately, this is not very durable. Fortunately, Reflower has come up with a solution to still have the feeling of new flowers every month, but sustainable: a subscription to artificial flowers. Choose a beautiful bunch of flowers including a vase and easily exchange the bunch for a new one as soon as you've had enough.
Sharing flowers that last together is easy, beautiful and, moreover, a circular solution. Per rented vase, it saves 20 kilos of flower waste and 100 kilos of CO2 emissions per year.
BIYU is the subscription to stuff that you can occasionally use for a job, but don't need it often. For a fixed amount per month you have unlimited access to more than 100 products. From drills to ladders and from kitchen machines to speakers.
All products are of top quality, so they last extra long. All processes are also carried out with respect for our planet. For example, BIYU delivers with an electric cargo bike and they do preventive maintenance. They also repair broken products and replace parts if necessary.
In 2020, Chainable introduced the first circular Kitchen-as-a-service concept. These kitchens are specially designed for housing corporations and institutional investors. These modular kitchens contain less sheet material, contain energy-efficient appliances and are made from residual materials. With the rental concept, Chainable can guarantee reuse and stimulate a kitchen world without waste.
Cities and neighborhoods could use a lot more green. This is good for biodiversity, it reduces air pollution and it offers a solution for water storage. It is now easier to contribute to a green city with Upperbloom . With their innovative planters and ready-to-use plant sets you can easily create your own urban garden. You don't have to have a green thumb for this, because you don't have to do anything besides watering now and then.
The planters are 100% recyclable and the plants come from Dutch soil. The plant sets are put together by people who are not (yet) able to make it independently on the labor market. Furthermore, Upperbloom offers the planters for rent so that they can be sure that they will get the containers back for reuse or recycling.