- Extra soft shoulder straps
- Comfort and aesthetics
- Easy-care Japanese denim
- For toddlers and preschoolers
- Easy to store and carry
- Easy to clean
- Baby carrier and backpack in one
- Ventilation in seat
- Perfect for a day of adventure
- Easy to adjust headrest
- Including handy storage compartments
- Integrated nightcap
- Magnetic closure
- Weight on hips through Exoframe Technology™️
- Padded hip and shoulder straps

Een draagzak wordt al decennialang gebruikt. Dat is niet voor niets, met een draagzak heb je je kindje namelijk heel dichtbij je. Het kindje voelt zich hierdoor veilig en zal sneller rustig worden. Een groot voordeel is dat een draagzak vaak al vanaf de geboorte gebruikt kan worden tot dat je kindje de peuterleeftijd bereikt heeft. Daarnaast bevorderen draagzakken een natuurlijke houding van je kindje. Ook voor de ouder zal een draagzak geen onnodige blessures opleveren. Het gewicht van het kindje wordt namelijk verdeeld over de rug, schouders en heupen. Veel ouders denken van tevoren dat een draagzak een hoop gedoe is met omdoen, echter valt dit reuze mee. Bij Tiny Library verhuren wij verschillende soorten draagzakken, kinderdragers en rugdragers.
Draagzak, rugdrager, kinderdrager en draagdoek
A baby carrier offers many advantages over a stroller. It is compact, manoeuvrable and ideal for taking your baby everywhere from day one, without obstacles such as curbs or bumpy roads. Babies feel secure and research shows that they cry less in a baby carrier. In addition, you have your hands free, which is useful with multiple children. However, there are disadvantages, such as the physical effort and the limited suitability for heavier children or long walks. A stroller, on the other hand, offers more storage space and comfort over long distances.

Een draagzak is geschikt vanaf de geboorte tot aan de peutertijd. Zorg er altijd voor dat je baby goed in de draagzak zit. Controleer dus ten alle tijden of je kindje genoeg frisse lucht kan krijgen en of het niet te warm of te koud is. Zorg er daarnaast ook altijd voor dat de draagzak goed bevestigd zit bij jezelf, zo weet je zeker dat je baby goed kan blijven zitten. Een goede draagzak knelt niet en zit comfortabel.
You can easily rent your baby products:
1. Choose on our website which product or products you want to rent. We rent new and 'as good as new' products. Before the products are rented again, they are professionally cleaned and checked for safety.
2. Choose when you want to receive your product. We will deliver the products on the date you indicate. Your subscription will only start when we ship the products.
3. Choose how long you want to rent your product. The costs of your subscription depend on which product you choose and how long your minimum rental period is. The longer your minimum rental period, the lower the monthly amount. You can find the monthly costs on our website for the relevant product.
4. Are you no longer using the product? Simply send it back to us free of charge.
The subscription starts on the day your order is shipped.
Renting from Tiny Library is in most cases cheaper than purchasing second-hand products. You can expect to save up to 70% of the new price of the product if you rent it, depending on how long you rent the product. This is often 10-30% cheaper than buying via Marktplaats. With us you can always choose between at least 3 options for the rental period and can therefore make a well-considered choice yourself. It also saves you a lot of hassle and time, something that is also worth a lot to you as a busy parent (to be). This way you have all the time for your baby
You can order from us as soon as you know which products you need. At checkout you can indicate when you want to receive the products. Even if this is only in a few weeks or months. Very handy, you already arranged that!
Your subscription starts the moment you receive the products. Because you have already paid for the first month in the webshop, the monthly amount for the next month will be collected a month later via direct debit.
For products such as a co-sleeper and bassinet, we also recommend that you have these at home around week 37. Most deliveries are between 37 and 41 weeks and we know from experience that it gives peace of mind to have it delivered on time.

Reliable service with clean and safe products

Top brands for a low monthly amount

A better world for your baby