A stroller is a must-have for your little one. At Tiny Library you will find a wide range of premium stroller brands, from mono to duo strollers , and models such as the Bugaboo Donkey 5, the Joolz Geo3 and the Babyzen Yoyo. For forest walks, sturdy wheels are ideal, while manoeuvrable strollers are perfect for the city. View our range above. Because you use a stroller for a relatively short time, renting a stroller is ideal. This way you save money and you only pay 30-50% of the new price, depending on the rental period. Want to know more? View our stroller comparison to make a good choice for your family.
A stroller with carrycot can be used from birth and is used for an average of six months, or until your baby can roll. You can then switch to a seat on the stroller or a more compact buggy . The length and growth of your child play an important role in this.
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